Moving to a new city can be very exciting – there’s so much to see and discover. No matter how amazing the new city and your new beginning are, it won’t be a great adventure if you are in an apartment you don’t like. Every day begins and ends in your apartment, so finding an apartment that suits your needs should be a priority.
Finding an apartment in a new city is particularly challenging if the search is exclusively from a distance. However, the internet has made finding the perfect apartment in a new city very doable. Patience and a sense of what you want in an apartment minimize the stress of relocating to a new city.
Research the City and Neighborhoods

Whether you’re moving to a new city because of a job offer or looking for a new start, it’s important to research the city and its neighborhood before you start apartment hunting.
Big cities are usually spread out. You can’t be near everything. With research, you can narrow down the sites/areas that are most appealing. After you have naarrowed it down to a couple of areas, look at neighborhood reviews, blogs, social media, etc. and try and get a sense of the place and the people in it.
A personal connection is helpful when moving to a new city. Perhaps you know someone who lived in the city or know someone who does. If you are moving for work, human resources may be of assistance. Go through your connections and find someone who can offer unfiltered insights about the city. The closer the connection, the more useful they will be in your city apartment search.
If you have the time and the budget, visit the city you will be relocating to. Walking the streets, visiting the neighborhoods, and talking to locals is ideal. You get a sense of the vibe and can determine if it fits you.
Without research, finding an apartment in a new city will be like going in blind. Ending up in a neighborhood that suits you will be left to pure luck.
Set Your Budget and Priorities

Before you create an apartment-hunting checklist for your perfect place, you should figure out your budget. This is true whether you’re relocating to a new city or staying in the same neighborhood you’ve lived in your whole life.
Are you moving for a new job? If so, you know your salary, which makes budgeting simpler. If you plan on job searching upon arrival, you’ll need to determine how much savings you can and want to dig into.
Note don’t assume living expenses, food, etc., will be the same as they are in the city you currently reside in. The cost of living varies depending upon location, so expenses may be more (or less) in the new town.
Maybe, you’re determined to splurge on the apartment. You want a big place and or lots of amenities. This will take a bite out of your budget and impact which neighborhood is right for you. After you figure out your budget, you can find an appropriate apartment in a new city.
Use Online Resources and Social Media
With the abundance of information available online, a city apartment search has never been easier. There are tons of websites to assist you in finding the perfect apartment. This site has a link to apartment search websites and who they are best for.
The websites are loaded with search features, including price, location, amenities, and size. You can compare apartments and whittle down what’s a must and what can go from your apartment-hunting checklist. If you have patience, you can find the perfect apartment while scanning your phone.
Social media, including local Facebook groups, should also be part of your apartment search strategy. Many people are comfortable being forthcoming on social media. So, hanging out on social media with locals will give you a good idea of the good and bad of the neighborhood. The straight talk can lead you to add or subtract a neighborhood from your list.
Consider Working with a Local Real Estate Agent

Although you can find your perfect apartment in a new city with online resources, you may want to work with a local real estate agent. Working with an agent is less time-consuming. Plus, a local agent knows the market, can be your eyes on the ground, and can steer you toward an apartment/neighborhood that fits your needs. They make it easy to rent in a new city.
Here’s an apartment-hunting tip – you don’t pay for a real estate agent. Local real estate agents are paid by landlords and property managers. Yes, they may be biased towards certain apartments, so know that going in.
Real estate agents are eager to find clients. You can do an online search to find one, ask for suggestions on social media, or find their ads on neighborhood websites. Plus, some agencies are nationwide. If you worked with an agent in the past, they could steer you to a colleague in another city.
Relocating to a new city is an adventure. Finding the perfect apartment in a new city can be challenging. However, the right apartment search strategy can put you into a neighborhood and home that suits you perfectly.
Remember, be patient, research, go on social media, create a budget, determine your priorities, visits the city, and consider working with a real estate agent. It might sound like a lot, but it’s worth it to find the perfect apartment.