Changing Apartments Forever.
Changing Apartments Forever.
Villavo is creating frictionless resident living by turnkey integration of all apartment features from the moment you walk in.

utilizing the integrated tech they’ve grown to expect.
Get notified when packages have arrived to your in-apartment package room.
Enter your apartment without reaching into your pocket.
Enjoy peace of mind with no security deposit.
Smart home automation built in to your life the moment you walk in. VillavoHOME™ connects you with all the functionality of your space so you are in control.
Are you in control of your space?
Let’s find out.
One App. Total Control.
Applied in volumetric construction.
Currently, construction projects are structured around many different stakeholders, often with competing interests between one another. This approach leads to “over-the-wall engineering”, where each company performs its tasks and then passes that work on to the next company.
Villavo is bringing all disciplines under the same company, with a single objective; to build a frictionless living experience for the residents.
The use of volumetric construction unlocks a parallel construction process for each site. As horizontal construction is taking place onsite, we are building the actual apartments in the factory, resulting in a 60% reduced construction timeline.
Each volumetric apartment unit is 95% complete in the factory, with all the flooring, furniture, and TV already installed. The completed modules are shipped and finally craned into place at the site.
1 Jang, H.; Ahn, Y.; Roh, S. Comparison of the Embodied Carbon Emissions and Direct Construction Costs for Modular and Conventional Residential Buildings in South Korea. Buildings 2022, 12, 51. https://
2 Loizou, L.; Barati, K.; Shen, X.; Li, B. Quantifying Advantages of Modular Construction: Waste Generation. Buildings 2021, 11, 622.
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