Modular Apartments & Modular Multi-Family​

Modular Apartments and Multi-Family

You want to expand your apartment, condo and townhouse complexes, but you don’t want to deal with on-site construction. Traditional construction is disruptive, messy and loud. Luckily, there is a solution — modular apartment buildings. Their construction consists of factory-building and simple on-site assembly. Modular apartments end the problems of traditional construction sites and bring […]

Why Modular Matters in Urban Areas

Why Modular Matters in Urban Areas

Housing price rise or fall. Home sales grow or decrease. Mortgage rates increase or decline. Housing news is viewed as a big story. Rightfully so. Everyone needs somewhere to live, and for many people, their home is their most valuable asset and biggest expense. These days news about housing includes a focus on the housing […]

How Modular Construction Solves Labor Shortages

How Modular Construction Solves Labor Shortages

There’s a dramatic labor shortage in the construction industry. Some say the construction labor shortage has reached crisis level. This shortage is particularly concerning because it coincides with the shortage of multi-family housing and the passage/rollout of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will mean more competition for labor. One way to meet the need for more housing […]

What Is Volumetric Construction?

What is Volumetric Construction

The United States has a housing shortage. While there is not one solution, volumetric construction can and should be part of the response. The advantages of volumetric building make it an industry primed for growth. A recent study found that the United States needs to build 4.3 million new apartments by 2035. However, since 1997, the largest […]